Welcome to Ralston Area Baseball recreational rules for each age division. Our organization follows MLB and USSSA rules. RABA has formed our rules based on these two organizations and have made small modifications to the game based on each individual age level.
Coaches are responsible for knowing and understand the rules at it applies to their age divsions they are coaching and preparing the players for the next level of play
Parents and fans are encouraged to be aware of the rules for each age division their player is playing in.
Visiting Organizations are strongly encouraged to be knowlegeable of the RABA home field rules when they come to play at our Ralston, LaVista and Bellevue fields.
When RABA teams Travel: If your team is traveling outside of our organization (Ralston/LaVista/Bellevue), coaches and parents are responsbile for learning the rules for the home fields they visit
Shetland (Tball/coach pitch) Ages 4-6 Rules
Yearling (coach pitch/kid pitch) Ages 7-8 Rules
Mustang (kid pitch w/minor rule modifications) Ages 9-10 Rules
Bronco (full game) Ages 11-12 Rules
Pony (full game) Ages 13-14 Rules
Other resources:
California Rules
RABA Team Draft Rules
Code of Conduct Coaches/Players/Parents/Fans Rules